Talat (8 out of 10 ) Awesome movie and a decent script. I liked the way the line "If you can wait, I'll find you" is repeated. It's really sweet and cute.
Dravin (9 out of 10 ) Wow this movie is great! I like the story plot and where it takes place. The setting is very good. The film is so amazing that I watched it over and over again. I have to agree with what Talat mentioned about the phrase that is repeated. Nicolas Cage can put up really his emotions with life threating situations in this movie. This one is a must have.
Noisette (9 out of 10 ) Nice movie. Not a chef d'oeuvre as they say but outstanding performances and absorbing plot make it worth seeing.
Williams (10 out of 10 ) Wonderful script. We ve got to see into the future like Cris. There are tools like astrology, tarots and alternatives.
Afrin (7 out of 10 ) Not that bad a movie as IMSDB puts it. Can be classified as a popcorn flick with extra-entertainment! Although the twists are cool, the graphics just craps it.
Steven (1 out of 10 ) One of the flattest, most predictable scripts I've read in a long time. Basically just sets up a formula and does nothing to deviate from it for the rest of the movie. The question comes down to "what wacky special effect are we going to see while the character inevitably gets out of whatever situation he's in?" No suspense. No character depth. Not even watchable late at night on Cinemax while drunk.
aaroncy (8 out of 10 ) Watched this last night thought it was a good film, cage plays his part very well as you would expect comical in places which is good to see deffo one to watch.